About Me

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In 2010 I successfully lost 35 pounds through diet and exercise. I had not run since high school because my knees couldn’t take it. However, once the weight was off I started running again with no pain and I renewed my love affair with running. I ran my first marathon in 2012, and I plan to keep on going...forever running!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Winter Running is Around the Corner

Does this look appealing to you?  Me too!  Winter running season is about to begin.  I hope no one has decided to sit out the winter running season.  While the thought of heading out to run in the snow may not appeal to some, there are many of us who find it to be much more fun than fair weather running.

Of course, you need the proper gear, and there are plenty of articles providing tips on proper winter running, so I won't waste the space discussing them here (I've included a few links at the end of this post).  Instead, I want to focus on what's great about winter running.

Now, you may laugh at my last statement, and mumble under your breath "nothing", but really, winter running can be a lot of fun.  Really!  First, snow is beautiful and fun.  There is no getting around that, like when you were a kid.

Yeah, it can get slippery, but that only happens when there is slush or ice, so you may want to stay in or be careful on those days.  However, a fresh ground cover of a few inches can be wonderful, especially that crunching sound under your feet.  This type of snow makes you work harder, and you end up using a wider ranger of stabilizing muscles, so it's good training too.

Another thing about winter running, it's quieter.  I know that sounds odd, but imagine this.  You are on a trail, no one is with you (except maybe your running partner).  There are fewer birds and animals out, and there are no leaves rustling in the trees.  It's just you.  A few trees may creak and the wind may howl, but other than that there are no other noises.  Just the snow crunching under your feet.  It's tranquil. 

Finally, if you have a favorite trail exploring it in winter will help you see it from a new perspective.  You can see things beyond the trees and bushes and develop an understanding of the broader terrain.  You may even find a new section of the trail that you never saw before.

So get out and run in the snow!  It's fun.  Really!

Some winter running tips and gear advice:

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