About Me

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In 2010 I successfully lost 35 pounds through diet and exercise. I had not run since high school because my knees couldn’t take it. However, once the weight was off I started running again with no pain and I renewed my love affair with running. I ran my first marathon in 2012, and I plan to keep on going...forever running!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Eat More...Run Faster!

A recent Runners World article reports on a new study regarding how to fuel for a marathon.  The study found that runners who fueled by consuming about 60 grams of carbohydrates and 25 oz of water per hour during a marathon out performed runners who did not do this by 4.7%.  Seems pretty simple.

The study used gels as the source of carbohydrate, but stressed that every runner needs to identify and consume whatever source of carbohydrate works best for them.

Try it!  Happy Running!

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