About Me

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In 2010 I successfully lost 35 pounds through diet and exercise. I had not run since high school because my knees couldn’t take it. However, once the weight was off I started running again with no pain and I renewed my love affair with running. I ran my first marathon in 2012, and I plan to keep on going...forever running!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

20...oops...21 miles on Plum Island

Heading out to Plum Island along the Plum Island Turnpike, I could see the sun rising through a small gap in overcast sky right at the horizon.  It was really cool a few seconds before this shot, but you have to take what you can get!

I kept going and headed down the main road onto Plum Island.  It was a great run!  It was cool, comfortable, and the sun was not beating down on me.  I love running in the fall!

So, I headed down Plum Island looking for the right turn around point.  Since I ran 20 miles on Plum Island before, I thought I would remember the spot no problem.  I was wrong.  I came around a corner and all of a sudden I saw features I had never seen before.  That's when I said "oops, I think I went too far"!

Being almost at the end of the island, I decided to take a look at the beach.  As I approached I could hear the familiar sound of waves breaking on the shore.  Having grown up near the beach, I always love that sound.  And the view, well...
Breathtaking!  So what if I ended up running an extra mile.  It was worth it!

Happy Running!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Applecrest Half Marathon!

I ran and completed the Applecrest Half Marathon this weekend!  I finished in 1:38:27.  44th overall (out of 410 runners) and 5th in my age group (out of 19).  I was pretty pleased.  No pictures yet, will post them on Friday.

Over all, it was a great run.  Lots of hills, so towards the end I was getting a little worn out, but not enough to be demoralizing.  Afterword I enjoyed some apple pie, homemade ice cream, and fresh pressed apple cider.

But best of all, me and my wife and kids enjoyed some time at Applecrest Farm, where we purchased some fresh apples, and pet some goats and bunnies.  It was a great family Sunday!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Lovely Event in Memory of Cancer Victims

In Newburyport, lanterns were set a float at Bartlett Mall in memory of cancer victims. This video shows the event, and this article provides the details.  It was a lovely event, and a fitting tribute.  I remembered my father during this event.

Soaked During 16 Mile Run

It started raining 10 minutes into my run and it didn't stop until I was done!  About 8.5 miles into my run, it was raining so hard, I could barely see ahead of me.  During a break in the rain (when I say break I mean it was just raining lighter.  It never stopped) I got a few pictures.
As you can see, I was soaked.  That's not sweat (not entirely) covering my body.  My shoes were soaked as well, an I developed a bit of a blister on my big toe! 

But, the view was pretty good!
Over all, it was a good run.  I'm just happy to be running healthy no matter the weather.
