About Me

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In 2010 I successfully lost 35 pounds through diet and exercise. I had not run since high school because my knees couldn’t take it. However, once the weight was off I started running again with no pain and I renewed my love affair with running. I ran my first marathon in 2012, and I plan to keep on going...forever running!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Endurance Athletes are Mentally Strong

If you are an endurance athlete you have all these traits.  It comes with the territory.  Here are my thoughts on the points above.

  1. Moving on: The ability bounce back from adversity and quickly move on to focus on the immediate goal ahead.
  2. Embrace change: The ability to learn and be open to all possibilities and handle unforeseen events.  You listen to that inner voice that says, "I can do this and I can deal with any situation that comes my way."
  3. Stay happy: The ability to see the bright side of all situations.  You see the cup as half full, not half empty.  
  4. Unafraid: The ability to have faith in yourself and those around you.  You are a fair competitor, kind to your fellow runners, and you go out of your way to help others.
  5. Risk taking: The willingness to take risks, whether it is running a longer distance, taking a new trail, trying a new sport, or pushing yourself to run faster.
  6. Celebrate others: The ability to celebrate the success of others.  Endurance athletes are never sore losers or cruel winners.  We have all seen how athletes hug each other after a race and never matters who won or who lost.  It's about the success of finishing.  
So, if you are an endurance athlete, you are mentally strong.  You have these traits in addition to the typical endurance athlete traits (resilience, focus, tenacity, discipline, etc...).  But I think the traits above are what make us all better human beings, and that is why we are here.  Those who are mentally strong know how to make the world a better place to live.

So keep on running, biking, swimming, etc.., and keep on making the world that much better!

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