About Me

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In 2010 I successfully lost 35 pounds through diet and exercise. I had not run since high school because my knees couldn’t take it. However, once the weight was off I started running again with no pain and I renewed my love affair with running. I ran my first marathon in 2012, and I plan to keep on going...forever running!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Longer Running is (Not) Bad for Your Health!

We in the running community have seen the articles circulating for the last year or so that tell us not to run too long because it's bad for our health.  Well meaning, non-running, friends have sent us links to articles with titles like "Is long-distance running bad for your health?" and "Too Much Running Tied to Shorter Lifespan, Studies Find" as well as "Will Running Too Much Kill You?".

However, I just read an article in Runners World that debunks the study that resulted in all these articles and headlines.  The bottom line is that the data set used to develop the hypothesis that long distance running can result in premature death is flawed.

If you know anything about statistics, you know the term "statistically significant", which is defined as the likelihood that a result, or relationship, is caused by something other than mere random chance.  In order to achieve this your data set (i.e., the number of samples used to perform your statistical analysis) needs to be robust (i.e., you need enough samples to show that the result is real).

According to the article in Runners World, the data set used in the study for the running group is not statistically significant because it is so small, as compared to the sedentary group.  Thus the study is flawed.  I would read this article yourself, it lays out the data very well and shows why relying on statistics, without sound science or common sense, can lead to erroneous conclusions.

So keep running, and be happy!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Eat More...Run Faster!

A recent Runners World article reports on a new study regarding how to fuel for a marathon.  The study found that runners who fueled by consuming about 60 grams of carbohydrates and 25 oz of water per hour during a marathon out performed runners who did not do this by 4.7%.  Seems pretty simple.

The study used gels as the source of carbohydrate, but stressed that every runner needs to identify and consume whatever source of carbohydrate works best for them.

Try it!  Happy Running!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Sit Too Much? Then Be A Kid Again

I just came a cross this short piece about using simple, baby like movements, to alleviate the damage afflicting your body as a result of sitting for long periods of time.  It's called "vestibular reset".  I tried it out and it works.

It's fun, a little bit silly, and really easy.  It gave me a burst of energy and made my body feel more relaxed.  Best of all, it took less than 10 minutes.  So, for those who think standing is the solution to working at a desk all day, there is another option.  Perhaps a combination of standing and vestibular reset will.  Give it a try!  I plan to and will report back how it's working.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Endurance Athletes are Mentally Strong

If you are an endurance athlete you have all these traits.  It comes with the territory.  Here are my thoughts on the points above.

  1. Moving on: The ability bounce back from adversity and quickly move on to focus on the immediate goal ahead.
  2. Embrace change: The ability to learn and be open to all possibilities and handle unforeseen events.  You listen to that inner voice that says, "I can do this and I can deal with any situation that comes my way."
  3. Stay happy: The ability to see the bright side of all situations.  You see the cup as half full, not half empty.  
  4. Unafraid: The ability to have faith in yourself and those around you.  You are a fair competitor, kind to your fellow runners, and you go out of your way to help others.
  5. Risk taking: The willingness to take risks, whether it is running a longer distance, taking a new trail, trying a new sport, or pushing yourself to run faster.
  6. Celebrate others: The ability to celebrate the success of others.  Endurance athletes are never sore losers or cruel winners.  We have all seen how athletes hug each other after a race and never matters who won or who lost.  It's about the success of finishing.  
So, if you are an endurance athlete, you are mentally strong.  You have these traits in addition to the typical endurance athlete traits (resilience, focus, tenacity, discipline, etc...).  But I think the traits above are what make us all better human beings, and that is why we are here.  Those who are mentally strong know how to make the world a better place to live.

So keep on running, biking, swimming, etc.., and keep on making the world that much better!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Back at it! News flash: Inactivity Worse Than Obesity!

So, it's been way too long since my last post.  For that I am very sorry because I meant for this blog to be active and dynamic.  Well, here we are in a new year and a chance for a new beginning.  So here it goes!

First, 2015 is shaping up to be an epic year for me.  I have a plan to challenge myself this year more than I have challenged myself yet.  Look for a future post on this.

Second, I came across an interesting article in Forbes Magazine that is befitting a new year.  This article summarizes a new scientific study which finds that inactivity is linked to more deaths than obesity.  In fact, the risk of death is double for the couch potatos over the obesity!

In other words, being overweight is not as much of a problem for your health, unless your being overweight is due to the fact that you are completely sedentary...that is the bigger problem.
Obviously, obesity and inactivity go hand-in-hand.  As the Forbes author wrote "if you start getting active, you’ll probably lose a little weight along the way"!

So the take away here is that it's more important to be active than it is to loose weight.  In fact, "the authors say, just taking a brisk 20-minute walk per day can move you from one category to the other, and reduce the risk of death anywhere from 16% to 30%."

So, forget the fad diets that are so popular early in the new year.  Just get out and move.  Walk, bike, run, swim, sweat to the oldies, or play some B-ball...it doesn't matter as long as you are a) having fun, and b) moving your body!  How simple is that!

Oh, and by the way...

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Steady Progress Continues

I know it's been a while since my last post.  My daughter recently reminded me that she reads my blog and is very disappointed with my lack of progress.  Well, just because I have been having very little (translate that into NO) progress with my blog posts, doesn't mean I have had very little progress with my training.

In fact, I have had a ton of progress with my training and I have never felt this good heading into a Marathon.  I have been regularly running under 8 minutes per mile, even on the long runs.  For instance, on my last 20 mile run I clocked sub 8 minute miles for the last 6 miles.

That's something for me, being a 6 foot tall ~200 lbs runner.  While I have had a few aches and pains (damn that Piriformis muscle) and one small non-running injury (pinky toe vs. doorjamb) there has been nothing terribly debilitating.

Best of all, I have been having so much fun training for this marathon!  I love running fast and trying new routes.  It's been fun keeping track of my split times.  It's quite a thrill to clock sub 7 minute miles every now and then, or to get on the track and fly through 400 meter or 800 meter laps.  I've been able to focus on my training, try new things, and roll with small changes in my schedule with out any problems.

The one thing that did change half way through my training was my goal time.  My goal this year was to try to achieve a qualifying time for the Boston Marathon.  However, I realized that goal was not to be this year about halfway into my training.  The qualifying time for my age group would require a 3 hour and 15 minute finish time.  As my training progressed, though, I realized that was not to be and I lowered my sights to a more realistic 3 hour and 30 minute time.  Since I did that, my training times have been right on target to hit this time, so I am very confident that I can do this.

I have also been working to ensure I am employing a wise fueling plan for this race.  Two things I don't want to do.  1) I don't want to under fuel, and 2) I don't want to end up carrying a ton of stuff with me on the run.  To that end, I think I have a plan that will help me cross the finish line strong!  I am sure it will work this time.

So, on October 19th I will be lacing up to run the Baystate Marathon in Lowell, MA.  I am looking forward to a fun, fast, and challenging race.  This will be my third marathon.  Hope it will also be a new personal record for me!  I'll keep you posted!  Really, I won't wait 3 months for the next post!  Promise!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Training for the Baystate Marathon - Look for my posts to start up again!

Sorry folks for being behind (very behind) on my posts.  I will start up again soon.  I have so much to share, and renewed strength and spirit!  I've had some awesome runs lately and my training for the Baystate Marathon has kicked off strong!

More to come!