About Me

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In 2010 I successfully lost 35 pounds through diet and exercise. I had not run since high school because my knees couldn’t take it. However, once the weight was off I started running again with no pain and I renewed my love affair with running. I ran my first marathon in 2012, and I plan to keep on going...forever running!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

That Roll of Fat on Your Back is Gone!

"Wow, that roll of fat on your back is gone!"
This is what my wife said to me about a month into my weight loss program in 2010.  My first thought was "there was a roll of fat on my back . . . and you never told me about it?" 

Rewind to a month earlier.  It was June 2010.  I believe it was a Wednesday, which was my wife's yoga night.  While she was at yoga, I put the kids to bed.  Afterword, I went into the bathroom to get ready for bed.  I undressed I looked at myself in the mirror.

Now, I don't have any pictures of myself with no cloths on, which is a good thing, so you will have to take my word for it.  The view was troubling, to put it lightly.

The closest analogy I can offer is this.  Below are two pictures, one from the Fall of 2009, the other is from the Fall of 2012, before I ran my first marathon.  You can see it in my face.  Big difference!
Fall 2009
Fall 2012 - Bay State Marathon
Well, I didn't like what I saw in the mirror that night, so much so that I was finally determined to do something about it.  It was hot that evening, so I put on a pair of shorts, but no shirt, and went down into my basement to run on my scarcely used treadmill. It was dark out by that point, and my treadmill was next to a window, so I could clearly see my reflection in the window while I was running.  You can see where this is going!!

The roll of fat on my back was not the only roll of fat on my body at that time, and I could easily see all the rolls roll in the window to my right while I ran.  It was a horrendous sight, I'm sorry to say, but I didn't stop running. 

I kept going despite the horror show in the window.  I kept going after my wife came home, saw me running, and quickly turned around and went back up stairs (I don't blame her).  I kept going despite the burning in my lungs and the pain starting to form in my legs.  I just kept going.

I don't remember how far I ran, or how long, but I worked up a good sweat, and that was enough for me.  I kept going the next day, and the day after that.  A month latter, I heard those words from my wife . . . "That roll of fat on your back is gone."  Those were sweet words!

Now, 35 pounds lighter, and three years later, I'm still going!  Not only is my weight under control, but my cholesterol numbers are better, my diet is better, and my self esteem is through the roof!  What more can I ask for?

One of my favorite movies is Shawshank Redemption.  The best quote from that movie is when Andy Dufresne says:
 Well, that day, I finally got busy living!

Monday, August 26, 2013

14 Miles on the Merrimack River

Sunrise Over the Merrimack River, Amesbury/Newburyport, MA
What a beautiful weekend!  It was a perfect weekend for running!  I ran 14 miles along the Merrimack River this Saturday and I loved every minute.  The views were as spectacular as the weather. 

I started out in Newburyport.  I ran by Mosley Pines Park and over the Hines Bridge into Amesbury.  I then ran along the Merrimack River past the former Hat Factory at Hatters Point (now condos).
Former Hat Factory, Amesbury, MA

From there I continued on along the river and enjoyed some beautiful views across the river to Maudsley State Park in Newburyport.  As I ran along the river I felt a cool breeze coming off the river bringing the smell of freshly cut grass into my face, along with the crisp morning air.
Merrimack River with Maudsley State Park in the background.
As you can so, the view was incredible.  A clear blue sky that makes most Hollywood directors drool!  It doesn't get any better than this. 

Looking forward to next weeks long run!  Run happy!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Mission Moment

I read the quote below, which is part of a longer quote, and thought I would share it with you all.  This is one of the reasons I am doing what I am doing.  Ted was diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma (MCL) in 2008. He had a bone marrow transplant this past May.  Here is a sample of Ted's recent experience after his transplant:
I was getting very anxious when my doctor walked in to the exam room a few hours after I'd had my CTs and didn't immediately say anything about the scans…So for some quick, instant-gratification reassurance I asked him if he thought I needed to worry about the scans and he said, "No. Not something I expect any issues from. This is a CURE we're working on." So I went home to wait. I had just wanted to hear him say "CURE." I love it when he says that...[a]nd then I got the results. I was glad the news was good and I was glad I'd finally let go and lived in the time of the day.

The fundraising I am doing, the hard work and sacrifice I am going through, and the small commitment I am asking from all my friends and family, help create more Ted moments.  The work performed by the dedicated staff at LLS leads to "Cures" so that more people can get back to "living in the time of the day."

Have you done something amazing today?  Here's your chance!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

20 Miles on Plum Island

I ran 20 miles on Saturday morning on the main road on Plum Island.  I ran out almost to the end and back.  It was spectacular!  The best part was that afterword I felt great!  It was unbelievable.  I ran 18 miles last week as was dragging all day afterword, but this time I felt great all day.  Had a little blister on my toe, but that's clearing up fine.

Overall my workouts have been going very well.  I'm just so happy to have found my rhythm again, and to be able to run without injury.  Best of all, I am still receiving donations.  Every donation goes a long way towards helping those with blood cancer, and each one helps keep me motivated to move on.

Since I moved up to Newburyport, I decided to make some changes to my race schedule for the season.  Here are the new upcoming races I will be running in.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Training Update!

Well, I ran 18 miles this past Saturday, and I am due to run 20 miles this coming Saturday.  So far my training is going great, and I am only experiencing minor aches and pains.  Looks like my injury is healed (yeah!).  

In addition I have managed to raise $1,724 for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to help those suffering from blood cancers.  Isn't that great!?!  Two months to go and I am working towards my ultimate goal of $3,000.  Thank you everyone for your help!

I am still running 7 races and 62.4 miles in support of LLS and Team in Training.  Race number four is tomorrow.  I'll be running the Derby Street Mile in Salem, MA.  

I'm a little sad about this one because I was supposed to run with my daughter.  However, she jammed her foot earlier this week and is having a hard time walking, let alone running.  She seems to have sprained something in her foot near her pinky toe.  So, we will focus on getting her healed up and defer our first father-daughter run until after she recovers.

Finally, as you know (if you've been reading this blog), I'll be running the Maine Marathon in Portland, ME on October 6th, 2 days after my 39th birthday as part of my Team In Training program.  When that day arrives I'll be joining an elite group athletes who have dedicated themselves to supporting those suffering from blood cancers.   

To donate: http://pages.teamintraining.org/ma/maine13/ngrasso59
Until then, I'll keep running and training so that I'll be completely prepared for 26.2 miles and to cross the finish line strong.

Go team and happy running!