About Me

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In 2010 I successfully lost 35 pounds through diet and exercise. I had not run since high school because my knees couldn’t take it. However, once the weight was off I started running again with no pain and I renewed my love affair with running. I ran my first marathon in 2012, and I plan to keep on going...forever running!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

7 races, 62.4 miles, one Team

I thought I would post this picture of me running cross country when I was a senior at White Plains High School in the fall of 1991.  As you can see, I have a connection to running that goes back more than two decades.  Once a runner, always a runner!

Now to the point.  My training for the Vermont City Marathon to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society officially kicks off in a mere five days – can you believe it?!  I am ready to get this endurance party started.  Actually, I already got it started when I ran the Frosty Four on new years day.  'What is he talking about?', you may be asking yourself. 

In 2013 I am running 7 races.  When you add up the total distance I plan to run it's 62.4 miles.  These races are:
  1. Frosty Four, Salem, MA (1/1);
  2. Black Cat 10 Miler (3/2);
  3. Cross Country 5K run at Olde Salem Greens (3/17);
  4. The Vermont City Marathon (5/26);
  5. The Derby Street Mile (8/16);
  6. The Wicked Half Marathon (9/21); and
  7. Wild Turkey 5 Mile Run (11/28).
That's more than 2 marathons!  I intend to run these races in memory of my father, and to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  I'll be wearing my Team in Training shirt at every race with a sign indicating how much money I raised.

If everyone who supports me pledges $1, $2, or $5/mile, I can meet my fundraising goal.  I hope outrunning cancer is worth a small donation on your part.  I'll do the running, you just sit back and watch me run, or read about it here!

I won't stop running, it's been in my blood for more than 20 years!

Go Team!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Getting Geared Up

My training program for the Vermont City Marathon starts on 2/9.  I'm getting geared up.  I've got my fundraising page all set up, and as many links to my fundraising page as possible.  It's exciting, and I can't wait to get out there again and run 26.2 miles!

It feels good getting back into the fundraising mode again.  I recently found an old fortune cookie fortune which said "From now on your kindness will be the secret to your success." 

I love helping others and joining Team in Training just feels right!  It's a cause that I believe in because I know for sure that my father's life was prolonged due to the drugs and research likely funded by LLS.  My Father was originally told he had about 5 years to live.  He lasted almost 8.  Those extra few years were a gift to me and my family.  It would not have been possible without basic scientific research funded by organizations like LLS. 

This is why I chose to support LLS this year.  While there are so many good causes to support, I try to focus on causes that have a personal connection to me and to the families and individuals who need the help.  This is one of them!  I hope my choice to be kind will be successful.

Happy running!

Monday, January 21, 2013


Running magazines, websites, and blogs seem to be filled with articles about how to make running on a treadmill more fun.  They offer suggestions like keeping your feet under the body instead of ahead of your body, don't lean forward, pull your foot straight up under the hip as soon as your foot is under the body, and run on a slight incline (1 to 3 degrees).

I read these articles and I think no way, I am not running on a treadmill like a hamster.  I will bear the cold and run outside.  I generally like running in the cold and snow.  I even wrote a blog about it.

See Winter Running is Around the Corner

However, single digits are just a little too cold for me.  So it looks like I will be hitting the treadmill this week.  I guess I will have to take those tips and make some use of them!  Here are a few blog posts and articles that provide good tips on treadmill running.

Think Outside The Mill: How To Make The Most Of Treadmill Running
Treadmill Training: Five Great Workouts
Beat The Treadmill Blues

Happy Running!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Team in Training

I have officially signed up with Team in Training, which is one of the fund raising arms of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.  I will be running the Vermont City Marathon on May 26, 2013.  As part of my commitment I need to raise $2000 to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society.

Josephy Grasso
Dad, Me (left), and my brother (Joe)

This organization is near to my heart because my father, Joseph Grasso, who passed a way in 1995, had Leukemia.  Obviously, I am running for him and I am raising money so that others like him who have Leukemia can live longer and be with their families longer.  I hope you will support me.


Please visit my fund raising page and support me.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

A New Year

Wow!  I can't believe it's 2013.  When I was a kid I didn't keep track of what year it was until 1980.  I remember waking up on New Years day 1980 and my mother came into the kitchen with some noise makers from the new years eve party she attended the night before.  I didn't know what year it was until she said "welcome to the 80s".  From that day forward I always knew what year it was.  Now 33 years later, I am acutely aware of the years as they pass faster and faster.  Now, all I can do is make the most out of every day of every year.

This year on New Years day I ran!  Not only did I run, but I volunteered, giving back to the sport I have grown to love again (see future post on my second time around romance with running).

I ran the Frosty Four in Salem, MA on New Years day.  At 7 AM all the volunteers for the race (which started at 10 AM) got together to run the course.  It was a beautiful morning.  The best part was watching the sun rise over Salem Harbor.  I did not have a camera with me, so I could not take a picture of it.  For those of you familiar with the view of the USS Friendship form Derby Street, you might be able to imagine how breathtaking the view was.  This only partly captures what the view was like.

Later during the race, I volunteered to man a turn where runners could go astray.  I cheered on the runners and walkers and just had a great time.  I have to admit, it was a wonderful way to start the new year.  What did you do to start the new year?  I hope it was memorable!