About Me

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In 2010 I successfully lost 35 pounds through diet and exercise. I had not run since high school because my knees couldn’t take it. However, once the weight was off I started running again with no pain and I renewed my love affair with running. I ran my first marathon in 2012, and I plan to keep on going...forever running!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Down But Not Out (I hope)!

So I've been having some pain in my right knee.  It may be Iliotibial Band Syndrome (aka Runners Knee).  The IT Band is a fibrous connective tissue that runs from your outer hip to a connection point at the top of your tibia (your shin bone).  It is an important component of your leg that supports lateral knee stabilization. 
Where it passes by the knee, it's thin.  Sometimes when you are running that portion of connective tissue can be irritated and inflamed, causing knee pain.  
Well, that's just what I did.  I can walk fine, but I have pain in my knee and the outside of my leg.  I'm going to have to take it easy for a while and I sure hope this does not linger too long.  I don't want this to impact my ability to run the Marathon on May 26th, which is fast approaching.  I'll just have to take it one day at a time.

If you have any advice on treatment, I would appreciate it.  I've been reading quite a bit about it.  Here are a few links with useful details:
Pray that this injury heals soon.  In the mean time, I will continue to train (as best I can), seek out as many solutions as possible, and see my doctor.

Happy running...soon I hope!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Beautiful Day at Olde Salem Greens

It was a beautiful day at the Olde Salem Greens this past Sunday where the 11th Annual Olde Salem Green's 5K was held with much Irish spirit and happy runners.  It was a great, yet cold, day for running on this hilly course through a beautiful golf course.  So what if the starting line was a spray painted line in the parking lot!  No one ever said runners needed a fancy staring line!

This race was a ball and worth the effort!  The runners were great, the supporters were awesome, the conditions were perfect, and the organization was top notch!

This race represents the 3rd in my 7 races in support of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  I was honored to run once again for my dad and all those struggling with the battle against cancer.  I look forward to my next big race, the Vermont City Marathon on May 26th!  I have much training to do between now and then.  A happy runner is a good runner, so I'll keep my spirits up and a smile on my face!

Happy running to you too!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Running the Olde Salem Greens 5K Tomorrow!

Getting ready to run my 3rd of 7 races tomorrow at the Olde Salem Greens 5K.  Looks to be a fun, perhaps a bit muddy, race!

Happy Running!

Monday, March 11, 2013

A survivors words...

I love to run.  I started running in high school, but stopped for many years after college.  I started again because I was worried about my health.  I want to be around for my kids when they graduate college, get married, and have kids of their own, events my father missed out on with me. 

So every time I head out for a run I remember my Dad and wish he were still with me.  I run in memory of my dad's struggle. However, I also run to help those currently struggling with the day to day realities of cancer.

As part of my training program I've come to know Joe Frusciante.  Joe is a childhood cancer survivor.  Here is just a little bit of what Joe had to go trough in his struggle with cancer:

"My treatment consisted of ‘carpet bombing’ … 13 drugs in various combos throughout three years.  This lead to multiple, intense side effects … nausea, hair loss, fatigue, pain, cardiac issues (which I experienced), nerve damage, etc.  Again, money for research has lead to more precisely targeted treatment with less side effects.  I am grateful to be here to tell my story.”

Joe's words are inspiring and they remind me why I decided to do this in the first place!

Go Team!

Friday, March 8, 2013

It's all about . . . Style!

There are tons of articles out there about running style.  Barefoot running, minimalists, chi running . . . the list goes on.  Which running style is the most efficient?  Which running style results in the fewest injuries?  Which running style is correct?

To be honest, I'm not sure.  I know a runner who has a very awkward form where he moves his arms and upper body in a very odd way that seems quite inefficient.  If I ran the way he runs I would have pains throughout my body.  However, he's in his 60s, runs 3 marathons a year, and never complains about injuries. 

I know another runner who's a physical therapist.  Actually, she's a triathlete and she runs, bikes, and swims regularly.  When running she has an efficient stride and a good upright body form.  Last year she spent 3 months in a boot healing from Achilles Tendonitus. 

What's going on with these runners?  I don't really have an answer, but I have a suspicion that sometimes you can't force a particular style on a runner.  Rather, we all need to find a style that works for our own body type.

One more example.  I cannot run minimalist.  I could go barefoot (I've done it for short distances on grass) but I cannot wear minimalist shoes.  I have a wide foot and even minimalist shoes that are wide (which there are very few) don't properly fit my foot.  So, even if I wanted to, I could not run in such a shoe.  I'm stuck with my normal, 4E, running shoe.  That effects my style of running and my form.  However, it works for me.  I just focus on doing what comes natural and feels comfortable and I'm fine.  I think that's probably the way to do.

Since I'm not an expert, I recommend you read a few other articles.  Here's a few suggestions.

Should You Run in Minimalist Shoes?
The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Barefoot Running
How Chi Running Reduces Injury and Promotes Healthy Running
4 Running Styles to Try

Like I said above, there are tons of other articles, but these are ones I've found useful.

Happy running!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Finished the Black Cat 10 Miler!

On this beautiful March morning I ran 10 miles along with more than 680 people in lovely Salem, MA.  At the start of the race I was bright eyed, bushy tailed, and raring to go!  As you can see in the photo below, I was not only ready to get running, but I was ready to outrun cancer!  Since I do not have a Team-in-Training shirt yet, I fell back on the outrunning cancer shirt my wife and kids made for me for fathers day last year.  This shirt has more sentimental value anyway!
An hour and 22 minutes later I crossed the finish line feeling great (I could have run 10 more!).  I didn't just feel great because I ran a great race.  I felt great because I knew that I just ran 10 miles to help support those struggling with blood cancer.  And look, I got a medal!

Now that I've run 10 more miles, I hope more folks will sponsor me.  I'll leave that to you to decide!

Thanks again for your support.  Run Happy!

Go Team!