About Me

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In 2010 I successfully lost 35 pounds through diet and exercise. I had not run since high school because my knees couldn’t take it. However, once the weight was off I started running again with no pain and I renewed my love affair with running. I ran my first marathon in 2012, and I plan to keep on going...forever running!

Monday, March 11, 2013

A survivors words...

I love to run.  I started running in high school, but stopped for many years after college.  I started again because I was worried about my health.  I want to be around for my kids when they graduate college, get married, and have kids of their own, events my father missed out on with me. 

So every time I head out for a run I remember my Dad and wish he were still with me.  I run in memory of my dad's struggle. However, I also run to help those currently struggling with the day to day realities of cancer.

As part of my training program I've come to know Joe Frusciante.  Joe is a childhood cancer survivor.  Here is just a little bit of what Joe had to go trough in his struggle with cancer:

"My treatment consisted of ‘carpet bombing’ … 13 drugs in various combos throughout three years.  This lead to multiple, intense side effects … nausea, hair loss, fatigue, pain, cardiac issues (which I experienced), nerve damage, etc.  Again, money for research has lead to more precisely targeted treatment with less side effects.  I am grateful to be here to tell my story.”

Joe's words are inspiring and they remind me why I decided to do this in the first place!

Go Team!

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