About Me

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In 2010 I successfully lost 35 pounds through diet and exercise. I had not run since high school because my knees couldn’t take it. However, once the weight was off I started running again with no pain and I renewed my love affair with running. I ran my first marathon in 2012, and I plan to keep on going...forever running!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Training for Maine Marathon Has Commensed!

I started my training program for the Maine Marathon this weekend.  I am preparing to run the Maine Marathon in Portland, ME on October 6, 2013.  I'm so excited.
This continues my fundraising efforts for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) as part of its Team-In-Training (TNT) program in memory of my father, Joseph C. Grasso (11-30-30 - 11-29-95), who struggled with Leukemia for more than 7 years before he passed away.

Please consider helping me support LLS.  You can use the link below to donate online quickly and securely.  You can follow my progress right here on the blog, or at the link below.
Each donation helps accelerate finding a cure for leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma. Nearly 958,000 Americans are battling these blood cancers.  I am hoping that my participation in Team In Training will help bring them hope and support.

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society helps blood cancer patients live better, longer lives.

LLS's mission is to cure leukemia, lymphoma, hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.  LLS is the world's largest voluntary health agency dedicated to blood cancer.  It funds lifesaving blood cancer research around the world and provides free information and support services.   
For 25 years the TNT program has trained over a half a million runners, walkers, triathletes, cyclists and hikers and raised over $1.3 billion to fund lifesaving research for LLS.  You can learn more about TNT's mission and Bruce Cleland, who assembled the first Team in 1988 to run the NYC Marathon to support LLS.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Fathers Day Musings and Weekend Races for June 15-16, 2013

(Note: not a picture of me and my dad)

Well it looks like it will be a beautiful weekend for running!  Finally, the rain is going to let up and give us a taste of sun.  Endless rain can start to get me down.  Sometimes I just need to feel the warm of the sun and see a bright blue sky in order to have some additional pep in my step!

This weekend is also Father's Day (I'm sure no one is going to be scrambling this weekend to get gifts at the last minute).  If dad likes to run, even better.  My dad was not a runner but I remember running with him once.

It was the last summer before he passed away (August 1995).  I was heading out for a run and he asked if he could join me.  My dad had never run with me before.  He was feeling a little slugish and he thought a short run would do him some good.  The plan was to do a short loop together, then I would continue one for a second longer loop.

My dad was an awkward runner.  He looked like he had a poll in his back and a saddle between his legs while he was running.  He landed hard with every step and rocked from side to side.  Oh well, we had fun any way.  We talked, joked, and he huffed and puffed.  I remember asking him if he was OK a few times.

Little did we know at the time that he had two tumors forming in his hip joints.  These tumors were what lead to his passing in November, and they were also responsible for his uncouth gait.  After we finished the first loop he headed in to shower and rest (when I got home he gave me this look like "I can't believe you actually like doing that").

I had not thought of that day running with my dad in a long time, but the memory is crystal clear.  I guess that last summer we had together is seared in my mind.  Those are some good memories.

It was nice taking this jog down memory lane!  This weekend, take some time to run with your dad and/or children.  Create some memories of your own!  Happy Father's Day!

Weekend Races

Lots of events to choose from on Father's day!  Have fun!

Saturday, June 15, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Why I Love My Bare Feet

I went for a nice run on Sunday where I took some time to shed my shoes and run barefoot in a grassy field for a while.  I've read that it's good to run barefoot every once in a while, but not to go all out barefoot for a full run. 

For those of you who have not tried running barefoot, it's great.  Don't run on pavement if you can help it, and don't run on rocks for obvious reasons.  Try running for 10 to 15 minutes somewhere flat.  I've run in a gym and on a grassy field.  I recommend the field. 

On Sunday the field was still wet from the rain, with a few puddles in the low spots.  My feet and lower legs were covered in grass (I had a solution for that, I'll tell you in a second). 

Also, the eastern side of the field was in shadow, and given the early hour the wet grass made my feet feel cold (icy is more like it).  Once I got around to the west side the early morning sun warmed me a little.

After running a few laps I used the rag I ran out the door with to clean and dry my feet before slipping my socks and sneakers back on an continuing my run on the road.  Overall, it was a great run.  I predict more barefoot running in my future!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Weekend Races: June 8-9, 2013

Hi all.  Just a reminder that the One Run for Boston begins today!  Starting from Venice Beach, CA, runners across the US will participate in a 3000 mile relay from LA to Boston to support The One Fund Boston.  

Let's hear it for all the runners who are making this amazing event a reality!

Also, here is a wrap-up of a few runs taking place in around New England and on the North Shore of Massachusetts.  Many good causes to support this weekend, so happy running, and be prepared for some rain!

Saturday, June 8, 2013
Sunday, June 9, 2013
That's it for now.  Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Running While on the Road

When you're traveling and the hotel gym looks like this, it's better to just go for a run.  Right?  Those of you who travel a lot know what I'm talking about.  The bike that's missing a peddle.  The elliptical that squeaks with every rotation.  The "gym" with a handful of random weights and machines that seems to be overcrowded every time you show up.  I'm sure you all have your owe stories. 

Well, the hotel I'm staying in this week has a gym which is OK, but it's still a bit limiting.  Good thing I don't need a gym to go running!  No only that, you don't need much equipment to do a strength training program in your room.

So don't let those hotel gyms ruin your exercise routine.  Here are a few articles that I've read on how to exercise while on the road.

The take away message:
  1. Be creative, 
  2. use what you have, and 
  3. be willing to pack a few items!

Happy running!