About Me

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In 2010 I successfully lost 35 pounds through diet and exercise. I had not run since high school because my knees couldn’t take it. However, once the weight was off I started running again with no pain and I renewed my love affair with running. I ran my first marathon in 2012, and I plan to keep on going...forever running!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Running While on the Road

When you're traveling and the hotel gym looks like this, it's better to just go for a run.  Right?  Those of you who travel a lot know what I'm talking about.  The bike that's missing a peddle.  The elliptical that squeaks with every rotation.  The "gym" with a handful of random weights and machines that seems to be overcrowded every time you show up.  I'm sure you all have your owe stories. 

Well, the hotel I'm staying in this week has a gym which is OK, but it's still a bit limiting.  Good thing I don't need a gym to go running!  No only that, you don't need much equipment to do a strength training program in your room.

So don't let those hotel gyms ruin your exercise routine.  Here are a few articles that I've read on how to exercise while on the road.

The take away message:
  1. Be creative, 
  2. use what you have, and 
  3. be willing to pack a few items!

Happy running!

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