About Me

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In 2010 I successfully lost 35 pounds through diet and exercise. I had not run since high school because my knees couldn’t take it. However, once the weight was off I started running again with no pain and I renewed my love affair with running. I ran my first marathon in 2012, and I plan to keep on going...forever running!

Monday, April 22, 2013

On Endurance

"The ability to withstand hardship or adversity; especially: the ability to sustain a prolonged stressful effort or activity" 

This is the definition of endurance according to Merriam Webster's dictionary.  This is all well and good, but to me endurance is more than this, especially in light of the Boston Marathon Tragedy.  Endurance is about the ability to transcend hardship. 

When we simply deal with a bad situation, we are saying that we accept that situation the way it is without question, thus addressing only the immediate hardship.  But when we rise above adversity, we can over the forest to the mountains and valleys beyond.  We not only address the immediate situation, but we find the path to avoid theses adverse situations in the future, or at least a better way to weather the storm when these situations arise.

Another definition of endurance is Permanence.  Homer's The Iliad and The Odyssey endure because the stories are so meaningful and accessible, even today.  You many even say they transcend time!  So, when I think of endurance I also think of permanence, or "the ability to continue or remain without fundamental or marked change".  The heart and soul of Boston is permanent.

Marathon runners endure.  They suffer through the difficulty of running 26.2 miles, and they run each mile from start to finish (ideally) at exactly the same pace.  They also come back and do it again next year, generation after generation.  Nothing can keep us down!

"B" Strong Boston, the runners will be back next year, and the year after that, etc...

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Running Again Brings Joy in a Time of Sorrow

I am traveling in Pennsylvania for work.  I decided to go to Valley Forge National Historic Park, last night which is right near my companies offices in Wayne, PA.  I went running again for the first time in more than three weeks.  I ended up running 3.78 miles with only minimal knee pain.  I am still going through PT for my knee and probably shouldn't be running, but I couldn't help myself.  

My original plan was to walk for 45 minutes.  But I felt so good and thought "hey, I'll run for a few minutes and see how it feels."  I ran for 40 minutes then walked the last 5 minutes.  I didn't stop because I was hurting, I stopped because it was just such a beautiful evening and I wanted to check out the sights. 
Running over the covered bridge was kind of freaky.  There was only enough room for me and the car.  Glad no SUVs came across!
I was happy to be running again.  Now I am prepared to run a mile for Boston later this evening.  I plan to run a mile, have a moment of silence and prayer to honor the fallen, then continue on.  I encourage you to do the same.

"No more hurting people!  Peace." 
- Martian Richard. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Please Attend the ‘Last Mile’ Run and Candlelight Walk.

The City of Salem, and many other community organizations, including the Wicked Running Club, are hosting a one mile run (6:45pm start) and candlelight walk (7:00pm start) on Thursday, 4/18 "in honor of those impacted by the attacks during the Boston Marathon’s last mile".  The event will take place at Salem Common to show that Salem Stands with Boston

Please attend!

I won't be there because I am in Pennsylvania for work, but I will be running a mile at that time in solidarity (despite my knee injury).  Once again, my heart goes out to all the victims and their families.  Peace to all.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What's Important about today...

An article posted on Facebook.  Mr. Henne says it better than I could ever.

What's important about today.
by Brant Henne (Notes) on Monday, April 15, 2013 at 6:56pm

Like many of my friends and fellow runners, I'm still trying to get a handle on understanding the explosions at the finish of the Boston Marathon. I want to humbly offer my perspective...

Click here to read more.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Tragedy at the Boston Marathon

I pray for all who have the power to help those in need, Lord give them the strength to continue their work; for the victims and their families, Lord carry them in their time of need; and for the people of Boston, Lord give us the strength to carry on. -- Amen
I was not in Boston today.  I know folks who were and, thank God, they are safe.  However, my heart aches for those who were lost and injured.  I am praying everyone who was impacted by this tragedy.  However, we all need to do what we can to help those who were injured.
  • Give blood, 
  • Lend a hand,
  • Remain vigilent.
We can get through this.   

As a runner this tragedy hurts me so much.  I view running as something I do to have a positive impact on my health, the health of my family, and for others (through my fund raising efforts).  To see such a positive event marred in tragedy breaks my heart.

Don't get me wrong, every tragedy breaks my heart.  It's just that the Boston Marathon is an event that is supposed to inspire that which is good in us, from the act of peaceful competition to the numerous causes that folks run for.  To see this event, and the wonderful people who enjoy it, attacked breaks my heart.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

He Who Fights and Runs Away...

...Lives to Fight Another Day.

Sadly, my knee injury is not getting any better.  After consulting an orthopedic surgeon and a physical therapist, it turns out that my IT Band is not in strong enough shape to allow me to successfully complete a marathon in May.

Therefore, I've decided to postpone the marathon until October.  I am still fund raising for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, and I am still running 7 races and 62.4 miles in support of Team in Training.  Nothing has changed with regard to all of you who are sponsoring me, or considering sponsoring me.  The only difference is when I'm running the marathon.

Instead of running the Vermont City Marathon on May 26th, as previously planned, I'll be running the Maine Marathon in Portland, ME on October 6th, 2 days after my 39th birthday!  How fun is that?  Maybe I'll make it a tradition to run a marathon on my birthday every year!  That would be something to talk about, don't you think?

I'm a little sad and a little relieved that I can't run the Vermont City Marathon.  I'm sad because my mother lives in Burlington, Vt and she was very much looking forward to seeing me run a marathon right outside her apartment.  However, I'm a little relieved because I know that when I finish the marathon I'm going to be wiped out, and my mother is going to see me and freak out!  I don't need that.  Perhaps I'll run a shorter race in Burlington this summer, like a 5 or 10 K, which my mother can watch and not freak out!  We'll see how it goes.

For now my focus will be on recovery so I can get back to what I love to do...run!  Happy running to those of you who can run.  For injured souls like me, I'll see you on the road or the train again soon!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

When You Believe in Yourself!

This is so amazing, inspirational, and heart warming that I had to share it.  This is what you can accomplish when you believe in yourself and when someone else believes in you!


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Why Running Rules, and Other Thoughts!

"Running makes me happy. It tests me, makes me work, teaches me lessons. Above all, running keeps me sane."
-  Caitlin Chock, The Arty Runner Chick

This quote sums up why I run. I started this post a few weeks ago and was not sure how to complete it.  Then I got injured and my focus has been on my recovery and other activities.  Now that I have not been running for about two weeks I am getting restless.  I yearn for the therapeutic rhythmic comfort of a long run.  I miss the early morning plodding when I get to watch the sun rise over the course of my run.  I miss the early morning hellos to the other brave souls who also venture out in the early morning hours for a run.

I find myself jealously eying other runners I see, while sighing audibly as I watch them run down my street.  I've even had a few dreams about running.

I've switched to rowing and swimming, which are OK, but not the same. I've also gone out for a few walks.  Walking can be almost as therapeutic as running.  I went out for a nice long walk on Saturday which was quite relaxing, and rather nostalgic.

When I first staring exercising again I walked every day, sometimes twice a day.  I haven't done that in a while.  So it's been really nice to walk again.  It brings back good memories.

While none of this can replace the the feeling I have when I run, it's always nice to explore something new.  I'm looking forward to running again, but for now I am going to enjoy the other options at my disposal.