About Me

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In 2010 I successfully lost 35 pounds through diet and exercise. I had not run since high school because my knees couldn’t take it. However, once the weight was off I started running again with no pain and I renewed my love affair with running. I ran my first marathon in 2012, and I plan to keep on going...forever running!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Weekend Races: June 1 & 2, 2013

I wonder who's going to win this one?

Here's a summary of this weekend's races.  Lots to choose from this week!

Saturday, June 1, 2013
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Happy Racing!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Blame It on The Rain...

So, I was a little late preparing my post for this week.  I said last week I would post something every Monday and Friday.  I had a Friday Post, but forgot the Monday Post.  You can blame it on the rain, or the long holiday weekend, or the fact that I was visiting my mother in Burlington, Vermont.  I dropped the ball.  Sorry. 

No running this weekend, but I did watch the Vermont City Marathon, the race I was supposed to be running in before I was injured.  It was quite wet and a bit cool, but none of the runners seemed phased by it.

I saw a few Wicked Running Club members, to whom I shouted the familiar "Go Wicked!!".  Got a thumbs up for that! 

I overheard one runner who took 7.5 hours to finish.  He apparently took a little detour and ended up running more than 26.2 (I think by a few miles).  Now, that's endurance!

On the ITBS recovery front, I ran three miles on Tuesday and three more this morning with no problems.  I was very happy to be out running again.  I noticed that as a result of my physical therapy my form is better. 

I never knew what it really meant to engage my core while running, where you utilize your glutes and drive your hips forward. I could really feel a difference when I actually engage my core.  I was using my hips, abs, and lower back to propel myself forward, rather than my legs and arms.  I'm sure that my old style of running contributed to my injury.  I'm so excited to see where this leads!

Well, that's all for now.  Run happy and let me know how things are going with your running.  I would love to hear how others keep themselves injury free, or just enjoy every run! 

Until next time (which would be tomorrow)!

Friday, May 24, 2013

Weekly Wrap Up, May 24, 2013

350 Stages, 1000+ Runners, 3000 Miles, ONE CAUSE
Find out how you can be part of this epic challenge

I'm running the second-to-last leg of the relay on June 30, 2013 from Wellesley to Newton, which will include Heartbreak Hill (Oh yeah!!).  If you're interested in participating, or if you know someone who's interested, click on the link above.   

Please spread the word.  
There are many legs that don't have runners yet!

Upcoming North Shore races, and a few others

Saturday, May 25th 
  1. Melody Miles - 18th Annual 5k or 5M, Hamilton, MA 10:00AM
  2. National Farmers Market Association Fresh Food 5k & 1 Mile Run, South Hamilton, MA 10:00AM Green Meadows Farm
  3. Gold Star Run for Honor-CPL. Scott Procopio, Saugus, MA 7:30AM 
  4. Connors Climb, A Will To Live 5K and Family Walk, Exeter, NH 9:00AM 
 Sunday, May 26th
  1. 1st Annual ECBA Freedom Run, Cambridge, MA 10:00AM
  2. KeyBank Vermont City Marathon, Burlington, VT 8:00AM
Find more races at www.coolrunning.com

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Coming Changes

Hi all, just a quick post to let you know about some upcoming changes to the blog. Many of you may have noticed that my posts are inconsistent and sporadic.  I'd like to change that. 

Therefore, going forward, I will be posting an article of interest every Monday, and a listing of upcoming races of interest in the greater Boston area, with a particular focus on the North Shore, every Friday (I may mention some of the big races that are happening throughout the US every now and then too).

So this way, it's always clear.  Posts every Monday and Friday.

Happy reading!  Happy Running!!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Why run races?

The reason to run a race is not to win the race but to test the limits of the human heart.
-- Bill Bowerman, Oregon State, co-founder of Nike.

Running a race is such an adrenaline high.  If you just run, but have never run a race, you should try racing.  You will have an opportunity to meet some new people who are liked minded and love running.  You may even get to help a good cause.  This is why I run to outrun cancer!  It feels good knowing you are helping others.

However, running a race is fun because we get to see how far we can push ourselves.  You never know what you can do until you try.  Racing is a great way to find this out.

So, for those of you who live north of Boston or near Boston, here is a list of a few upcoming races this weekend.  You can find more races for another weekend, or ones in your area, at www.coolrunning.com.

So get outside, race, and test the limits of your heart.  It's good for you.  If you are raising money for a good cause, it's good for others.  But most importantly, it's fun!

Friday, May 17, 2013
Saturday, May 18, 2013
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Blaze Your Own Trail

I just read a great article!  I am posting a link below. You should read this.  Any one who has ever run a marathon will get this. 

Reading this article reminds me of the Robert Frost poem The Road Not Taken.  This was one of my favorite poems in high school.  I also included the last stanza as part of may senior quote in my college year book.  Here's the last stanza in case you forgot.

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—  
I took the one less traveled by,  
And that has made all the difference.  

Be brave, try something new and never give up...no matter what anyone says!  Long live independent thought!  Happy running!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

More on Endurance

I was recently reading an article about how to identify and treat Illiotibial Band Syndrome (IT Band Syndrome) and I came across a line that said once the IT band heals you must build muscle endurance to avoid re-injury.  This got me thinking about muscle strength and endurance and how important strength training is for endurance athletes. 

You cannot run long distances, like a half marathon or a marathon, without strong muscles.  However, for runners a regular strength training program must focus on building endurance not power.

The ideal plan for a runner includes:
  • Focusing on core muscles, such as abs, hips, and glutes, with a sprinkling of lower and upper extremity strengthening.  I like to also make sure my upper body (chest, shoulders, arms) get a regular workout.
  • Strength training should be performed 3 times a week for about 30 minutes.  I like to do a light cardio work out for about 20 to 30 minutes to warm up my muscles, followed by a 30 minute round of strength training.  
  • You can use either free weights or nautilus like equipment.  I use a combination of both, depending on my needs, to target the key areas of my body.
There are so many good exercises.  Below I list a few exercises that I like to do.  I have also included a few links to articles that expand upon the exercises that are good for runners.  For the following, I keep it simple and do 3 sets of 15 reps (3 x 15).
  1. Clam shells:  Lie on your side with knees bent, legs together.  Open and close your knees like a clam.  You can add a resistance band for more of a challenge.
  2. Hip Raises:  Lie on you back, legs up, knees bent.  Raise your mid section off the floor, tucking in your glutes, and hold for 3 to 4 seconds.  You can extend one leg and do this on one leg as well, which is good for hip stability.
  3. Stability Ball Squats:  Stand against the wall with a stability ball against your back.  Legs shoulder width apart and positioned far enough from your body so you knees are over your body.  Press your back against the ball as you do the squat, arms straight out in front.
  4. Single Leg Squats: Some people do this with the leg out front.  This is hard to do, and not necessary.  Stand on one leg, with your other leg bent behind you, parallel to the ground.  Arms straight out front.  Lower your self to the floor, keep your back straight. 
  5. Transverse Cable Pulls:  For this one you need a machine that works for this exercise (my gym has one).  Usually there is a diagram showing how to perform this exercise.  With both hands grasp handle of cable, which should be at shoulder height . Step and turn lower body away from pulley. Feet should be wide apart facing away from pulley, knees bent slightly.  Do this for both sides.
  6. Monster Walk:  You will need a resistance band for this.  Wrap the resistance band around your shins.  Feet together.  Step back laterally with your right foot to 4pm on an imaginary clock.  Bring feet together again.  Step back laterally with your left foot to 8pm.  Go as far as you can, but I try to get two laps in, about 15 meters in each direction for a total of  60 meters.  Eye ball it the best you can.  You should feel a burn on the outside of your hips.
  7. Mountain Climbers Singles:  Start in a push up position. Bring your left foot forward as far as you can and place it on the floor (shoot for under your chest). Brace your abdominal muscles to stabilize your spine.  Switch leg positions in a quick jumping motion (both feet leave the ground as your drive your right knee forward and reach your left leg back).
  8. Mountain Climbers Singles Out:  Same as above, but your leg gos out laterally (knees bent) as you perform this motion.
  9. Mason Twists:  Sit with your back straight and knees bent, feet flat on the floor.  Holding a medicine ball, kettle ball, or small dumbbell, in front of you, lean back slightly, lifting your feet off the floor a little.  Swing the ball to one side of  your body, like you are rowing a canoe.  Eyes forward.  Swing again to the other side of your body, again like you are rowing a canoe.  That's one rep!
  10. Lunges:  Standing erect, lunge forward with one foot creating a 90 degree angle between your lower leg and upper leg at the knee.  Step back and repeat with your other leg for one rep.
Here are the links:
Strength Training for Runners
Strength Training For Runners: How To Do It Right
5 Core Exercises That Increase Stability and Running Efficiency
The Four Best Strength Training Exercises For Runners

Have fun!  B Strong!