About Me

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In 2010 I successfully lost 35 pounds through diet and exercise. I had not run since high school because my knees couldn’t take it. However, once the weight was off I started running again with no pain and I renewed my love affair with running. I ran my first marathon in 2012, and I plan to keep on going...forever running!

Monday, July 1, 2013

An Emotional Run!

Wow, what an experience it was to be part of the One Run for Boston!  I was part of a group of about 100+ runners who ran the second to last leg (Leg 318 from Wellesley, MA to Newton, MA) of this incredible relay.  Lots of love and sweaty hugs!

My emotions ran high, as did those of so many others!  All I could do we keep saying how incredible this was.  I met incredible people, I felt connected in a positive way, and I knew that what I was doing meant so much for the victims and their families.  I am so humbled to have done my small part in this journey!

The relay ran a little late, so we had to wait around for a while.  This gave me and my fellow runners some time to get to know each other.  We were supposed to start at 5:30pm.  Instead we started our 6 mile run more like 10:20pm! 

This is Miles

Miles, the nicknamed baton with built-in GPS that was carried, by hand, from LA to Boston, had other plans.  I think as emotions starting running high in New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts (the last three states of the relay), and the weather became unpredictable, thinks started slowing down.  A few hours is not that bad for a journey that began on June 7th!  It was worth every minute of lost sleep to know that I was a part of this historic event!

Me and kids
Since my kids could not go with me I got plenty of hugs and kisses before I left the house.  They knew I was heading out to do something important.  My daughter said to me "you're an awesome guy", and my son gave me a high five!  Awesome!

While waiting to run my leg I met Melanie Eversley of USA Today.  We had a great exchange.  She posted this tweet!

Neal Grasso, waiting at Wellesley handoff 4 @OneRunForBoston: "This event is taking something so horrible and making something great."

Funny thing, I let her borrow my car.  It worked out perfect for both of us!  She got a ride from Wellesely to Newton, and I had my car waiting for me!  Thank you again Melanie!  It was awesome meeting you!

I also met Cheryl Morin Greeson, who was interviewed on NESN during the Red Sox game on Friday June 28th.  It was so cool talking with her and sharing stories.  Cheryl, I'll see you running the Boston Marathon in 2015!

Needless to say, my emotions are still running high and I am just so proud of the running community and this country.  We will never let the horrible events of April 15, 2013 be forgotten, and we will never let terror win.  The world is a better place if you believe it and you stand up for peace, love, and good will!

Thank you to my new ORFB running family!

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